Symbols of the Windows
Front of Sanctuary (West):
Left: Center: Right:
Matthew (Man-Face) Body Of Christ (Wheat Sheaf) Luke (Bull)
Mark (Lion) Resurrecton (Garden Tomb Filled w/ Light) John (Eagle)
Blood of Christ (Fruited Vine)
Sides of Sanctuary (South and North):
South: North:
Calvin (Hand Holding Heart) Luther (Rose with crossed heart in center, encircled)
Knox (Hawk with Band Surrounding) Melanchthon (Cross with serpent entwined)
St. Jerome (The Vulgate) St. John Chrysostom (Book Inscribed)
St. Augustine (Flaming Heart) St. Gregory (Book and Mitre)
St. Paul (Sword and Book Inscribed) Virgin Mary (Fleur-De-Lis)
St. Timothy (Martyrts Club) St. Peter (Crossed Keys)
David (Harp) Samuel (Horn of Anointing)
Moses (Tables of the Law) Abraham (Sacrificial Knife)
Back Of Sanctuary (East)
Isaiah (Saw) Daniel (Ram) Ezekiel (Turreted Gate)
Jeremiah (Hand with Wand)